Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Whats so wrong with puting black eyeliner on, its the same way as putting black nail polish on a guy?

There is nothing wrong with it and I do find it hot on men. Most of my girlfriends do also. It's definitely not the most popular thing and some people may stereotype you as gay or emo. My boyfriend is neither but he wears it along with mascara and a little eyeshadow. The trick is, he wears it so that it's not terribly noticable but it does enhance his features. The effect is dark sultry eyes on him. Come on sisters - we all like men with dark eyes! You go ahead and wear it!

There's nothing wrong with nailpolish either. I think it's great for men to take care of their nails (finger and toes). I would suggest you shy away from colored nail polish on your fingers - stick with a natural french or american manicure. For you toes though, go with color if you want. We all paint our boyfriends toes bright red sometimes.Whats so wrong with puting black eyeliner on, its the same way as putting black nail polish on a guy?
Women are ultimately looking for a provider, so they unconsciously go for the more masculine type. Makeup and nail polish just does not look good on men. I hate hate hate it.

And excuse me, but girls do NOT ';freakin love it';Whats so wrong with puting black eyeliner on, its the same way as putting black nail polish on a guy?
my fiance wears eyeliner when we go out and i love it. it looks so good on him. and ive painted his nails black before.

i see nothing wrong with it.
I don't mind if a guy wears eyeliner, or anything like that

I won't judge, but you'll get a lot of negative comments from some judgmental people out there :c
dont listen to these idiots. Lots of famous guys wear eyeliner. I wear black eyeliner and girls freakin love it
Your question makes no sense to me. Leave the makeup to the ladies. *Ü*
Yes but in my opinion boys shouldnt wear nail polish either...they are girly things not manly things.
People label you as emo~
You're right, it is the same thing.....they are both weird to put on a guy
be a man!

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