Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What do I do for a half black toe nail that is falling off?

I play soccer and was playing with soccer shoes that were too small. Because of it a little more than half of big toe is completely black and is starting to rise from my skin. What should I do since half of the nail is still attached? Do I just cut the part that is black and raised from my skin and let it grow back from there or do I not do anything? Any suggestions are great. Thanks in advance :)What do I do for a half black toe nail that is falling off?
It is not easy the just partly cut out the nail, just leave it and cut the nails normally and it will come off naturally . this will take long time but till then make sure try to get your size of a pair of football shoes and play.One more important advise just keep the toe nail strapped with a plaster bandage because theres a chance you might hurt the toenail again while @ home when barefoot and i have seen such injuries with the nail coming out from the nail bed either partially or fully n both are very pain ful states.

Leave it to to nature for the healing it will come off by itself.

all my best wishes for a healthy heeling .

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