Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How do I get black nail polish off of a white comforter?

I just spilled a blob of black nail polish on my nice comforter... I've tried nail polish remover but it's not working. Help!!How do I get black nail polish off of a white comforter?
Buy a duvet cover to put over your comforter.


Good luck!How do I get black nail polish off of a white comforter?
Well, that depends on what your comforter is made of. You could try nail polish remover. First test the remover on an inconspicuous area to see what affect it will have if you use it. You will likely want to use a remover that is not acetone based. If it seems to be okay on the tested area, you will want to clean it off by putting the remover onto a cotton ball and using the cotton ball for cleaning. Remember to put paper towels under the area so there aren't any stains transferred from using the nail polish remover. If that fails, you can try hairspray and water. As a last resort, you could try a dry cleaner. There are other suggestions at the following website.

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