Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is the first thing you think when you see somebody wearing black nail polish?

I usually think they must be 'out there', what do you think?What is the first thing you think when you see somebody wearing black nail polish?
I wouldn't think someone was goth if they wore black nail polish unless the rest of their attire was goth. I don't think its immature to guess that because it is typical attire for someone of the goth persuasion.

So what if someone were goth? I don't see that as negative.What is the first thing you think when you see somebody wearing black nail polish?
no matter how old we are or who we think we are, people judge. It is said that we form our judgments in the first few seconds after we meet someone. Maybe those judgments are stereotypical, but its a fact. When I see someone with black nail polish Im probably going to assume they have a dark or gloomy statement to make. They likely love to hate the world and are misunderstood by most. They want to make an impression on others but they want a black and white impression. They want to be noticed but not known. They want to be heard but not seen. They dont have alot of friends but the friends they have are close. I could go on, there are a number of assumptions that could be made. First impressions often last a life time. Use them wisely!
Nothing...It's just that they might like the black nail polish. It doesn't make the person any different than a person who wears red or purple nail polish. I think of them just as I would think of any other person I see.

Btw, I love black nail polish. I wear it all the time(I have it on right now)
Some people would maybe think that they are goth or emo or something like that. But not really. It might just go with their outfit or they like it. I have black nail polish and I sometimes wear it and I am the least emo person ever. Maybe its just their style. Hope it helps :)
It doesn't really make me think any less of them as a person because I wear nail polish also.
i always wear black nail polish, its a fashion statement. black is very popular this year.
That they like black nail varnish.

If anyone says they think this person would be a goth or an emo, they need to grow up seriously.
I'm old so the first thing I think is that they hit their nail with a hammer. Then I think oh, my mistake they meant to do that.
nothing i always wear black nail varnish on my thumb. it's like my trademark.. hahaha :)
that they painted their finger nails black.
They're gothic...
i think that the person might be interesting
that they like black nail polish lol

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