Oh no! That is crazy! My daughter did the exact same thing 2 weeks ago! lol! Well, it was on my bathroom cabinets and floor, but I used non-acetone nail polish remover on all of it. (my cabinets are wood), and it didn't do anything to them. So going on my experience, I think it would be okay. Good luck!!HELP. My daughter just dropped a whole jar of black nail polish on the?
I would try non acetone remover as well. good luck
Try Hand Sanitizer, it will remove ink. try it in a spot where no one will see, and see it it wirks first.
I'm pretty sure that if you put remover on your hardwoods that the acetone is gonna mess up the finish. Do you think you could let it dry and scrape up the polish? Even if you have to sand it off it wont be as bad as pouring acetone on a polyurethane coating.
no it might peel the wood. try this website maybe it can help
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