I am not goth nor emo and dont usually dress that way. I just tend to wear lots of black and like to wear black polish. (YET NO EYELINER! D8)
Apparently my friends and family think i shouldnt wear it on my first day at a new school because a) i might scare people b) i might get beat up o__O or c) it sets the wrong impression.
What do you think?Should I wear black nail polish on the first day of high school?
Sure! A lot of people do it!Should I wear black nail polish on the first day of high school?
Black and dark nail polish had been really trendy the last few years, and you see many people who are not goth/emo/scene/whatever wearing it.
So, you should not worry too much. Just wear if it you want to and ignore the immature people calling you an emo or a goth. People do grow out of that. I wear black nail polish every day all the time and no one calls me goth (even though it would be true lol)
I love Black nail polish. i wear it all the time! i love wearing skirts and dresses but i still wear black nail polish. you see all of the celebs wearing it like lauren conrad ! you can deff pull off wearing black nail polish the first day ! :)
i think that so many people wear black nail polish that it has no longer become a emo or goth thing. I think you should wear coz i cant seem to find legit reason not for you to wear it. And this is coming from a person who tends to wear lots of black and eye liner, lol no im not emo
I wore black nail polish on the first day of school, I got made fun of a bit you know like those stupid comments like ';your emo because you wear black nail polish!'; and ';go slit your wrists b.tch'; but it does set an impression, idk what really. You can wear it if you want. :)
Wear it if you want.
Black Nail Polish is Black Nail Polish.
No one can do anything about it, %26amp; if they make fun of you just ignore them.
I always used to wear it and no one made fun of me for it.
You'll be fine.
You probably won't, black nail polish is popular amongst girls so I doubt you'd be the only one.
screw them u should its fine i mean if ur not wearing black skinny jeans and a black shirt y not plus alot of pppl wear black nail polish just go for it
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