Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How can I prevent black nail polish from staining my nails?

Besides putting a clear layer underneath, I don't hase a base coat or clear...How can I prevent black nail polish from staining my nails?
put on a clear coat first. I always do that no matter what color I'm painting my nails. Keeps them from turning yellow and stainingHow can I prevent black nail polish from staining my nails?
Buy some base coat

never wear nail vanish without base coat

it damages your nails

and take vitamin tablets that help strengthen your nails :D
Using a clear polish or base coat underneath is the only way to prevent the colour from staining your nails.
use a base coat..it limits the amount of staining on your finger nails. And make sure you give your nails a break from nail polish once in a while.
Squeeze a lemon over your fingernails. That way, it prevents your nails from getting all yellow!
use a clear coat first!! if it still doesn't work then try 2 put a bit lemon on it!! that way it will help!!
You just ANSWERED your own question!!

GO OUT and buy a clear coat FIRST!
DON';T WEAR IT!! dur de dur

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