Friday, February 5, 2010

I need help getting black nail polish off my pants!! Its been there for like a month they cant be bleached!?

The pants are pin striped they are white with navy blue pin stripes and i only got to wear them once so please help. Theres ony like two medium sized spots.I need help getting black nail polish off my pants!! Its been there for like a month they cant be bleached!?
Baking soda with water, make it into a paste and seriously leave it there until it dries and becomes hard.

Then throw it in the washer and wash.

It that doesn't work you're just screwed.I need help getting black nail polish off my pants!! Its been there for like a month they cant be bleached!?
yeah take a cloth and dab some nail polish remover on it.

Scrub the spots and wash =]
If you already washed them you can forget about getting the polish out. If you haven't I would try acetone polish remover with a toothbrush.
nail polish
nail polish removerrr

Use a product called ';Goo Gone'; or something have to spray it on the nail polish...let it set in...then blot...don't rub it might take a few tries to get it off. Oh, and the product is oily so you'll have to use a Spray and Wash or stain remover on the spots in order not to have an oily stain. I've gotten crayon, sticker residue, patch glue, wax and gum off of my kids works.

Good Luck.
if the pants are cotton i would try nail polish remover it shouldn't hurt it or the color but still test it first some removers have acetone some don't i would use the one that don't! if the pants are some other material text it first .

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