Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What do you think of this trend of men wearing black nail polish on their nails like Frankenstein?

Do you like men who wear makeup like Bret Michaels?

Do you like to see men wearing kilts? Is a man with an earring sexy to you? what is it that makes a man turn your head?What do you think of this trend of men wearing black nail polish on their nails like Frankenstein?
Nail polish: totally depends on the guy - on some guys it looks cool and on others...nope.

Make-up:also totally depends on the guy. Bret Michaels - no. But I prefer no make-up on a guy.

Kilts: if your Irish

Earring:depends again on a guy - on some guys it looks cool while others all you see is the earring and it looks out of place

Turns my head: looks healthy;athletic,confidence,nice smile,well kept,being himself,manners,seems at ease with himself - looks happy - dimples :) green eyes/or deep blue eyes (sigh)...LOLWhat do you think of this trend of men wearing black nail polish on their nails like Frankenstein?
Don't like black nail polish, don't like makeup, don't like kilts, and don't like earrings. I like someone who is clean-cut with a bit of a rocker edge. Skinny jeans are a must for me. Also, no facial hair, and he must be well-groomed.
I like it on some men, the make-up that is not the nail varnish. Russell Brand wears it to perfection but there aren't many who can.

EDIT To Lavin, how nice of you to come here to celebrate your homophobia.
With men or women, they need to ask themselves ';would I be able to get a job looking like this?'; If the answers no, then it's not appropriate.
Any man who wears make up is gay. Men should look like men, not women. That's why woman and men are different.

And to the girl who said adam fag lambert is cute..hes gay. Like really gay.
I dont like guys with earrings too much but I like gauges better but not huge ones. Ew balck nail polish on guys..what has the world come to?
Men should dress like men.
I think its awesome! adam lambert looks so cute with as i call it, malepolish!!!

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