Friday, February 5, 2010

Wearing black nail tips to a funeral?

I just got my nails done in the Halloween spirit with black tips. My friend's grandmother passed away this week and the funeral is next week. I really don't want to go get my nails done again since it is pretty expensive. Would it be in poor taste if I kept my nails the way they are?Wearing black nail tips to a funeral?
not at all.

Funerals are about paying your respects and what not..not about how you look.Wearing black nail tips to a funeral?
No. like another person said. the funueral is about remembering your friends grandmother. when my grandfather passed away back in december, i couldnt tell you what i was wearing, my mom, my girlfriend at the time (good friend now), my grandmother, or anyone else. oh and we didnt wear all black either, its just not what funerals are about.
i think you will be fine, ur supposed to wear black to a funeral, i would do the same
Oh no, please please PLEASE don't tell me that you're going to go like that.I'm sorry, but it's disrespectful, and it's too dramatic and bright, and it seems kind of gothic, or like you're caring more about fashion than your friend's grandmother (even if you do.) It's ok if your nails aren't done for Halloween, no one's going to mind that much. And please don't take this as an insult, I was just horrified.
no its appropriate to have black nail tips
honestly, no one will notice anyways

it might seem a bit.. dramatic i suppose but i wouldn't worry about it
I would wear a nice pair of gloves. That would solve your problem. You'd be able to go to the funeral and still go to your Halloween event with your black nail tips.
I think it would be a great fit actually, I mean, I bet you'll wear black.
My grandma died last week and I had black nails.

First of all you shouldn't care about what other think. Secondly it is totally find, go . It is funeral, not a day of discussing what color of nails people have.

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