Friday, February 5, 2010

How can I make my plain black nail polish look more sexy and chic not so halloweenish.?

I have soooo many black nail polishes and they look so drab like halloween I want to whole modern chic look what can I add to the polish in the bottle to make them look more sparkly and clean instead of so goth How can I make my plain black nail polish look more sexy and chic not so halloweenish.?
First, paint your nails completely black. Then, get some white nail polish and put a little bit on a brush. Make sure you just have a little bit, not too much. Put the white polish over the black. Since you don't have very much, you just have little specks of white over the black. It may sound stupid, but trust me, it looks really cool.How can I make my plain black nail polish look more sexy and chic not so halloweenish.?
put a clear coat on bottom, 2 coats of a good black nail polish, and 1-2 coats of good clear nail polish on top. also, when they have dried for like 5 minutes, dip them in icy water. works for me.

you can also try buying a shimmery black instead if you still think it's ';goth';.
black nail polish is never out of style!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
keep you nails short and either add a shiny polish with some iridescence or maybe even mix a little red into a bottle. deep red/burgundy, almost black, are hot in the fall.
grow out your nails a little (not long though) and keep the tips rounded and make sure your cuticles are smooth

i hate black nail polish
When you apply black nail polish, put on a white coat first. It won't make the black look so dark.
White Tips

or just put clear varnish on the top to make it shiny instead of matt

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