Friday, February 5, 2010

Do you think that black nail polish is emo?

I'm not emo or anything but I wear black nail polish. My hole family thinks I'm emo just cuz black is my favorite color. What do you think?Do you think that black nail polish is emo?
Deffinetely not it's a classic color :)Do you think that black nail polish is emo?
yeah i wear it or something like it (navy blue or dark purple) and my mom is like why are you so emo %26amp; like WTF do you even know what those types of people are.....but i like it and i still wear it =D
No the kardashian sisters wear it and there defiantly not emo, maybe conceded but no emo!!!!!!!!!!!
No no no. If you look at models and celebrities a lot of them are wearing

black nail polish. Its not a big deal, its cute when worn with the right

outfit :]
absolutely not!!!!!! black goes with everything :P

black nail polish is very fashionablee
nope! i loove black nail polish! :)
no i get it in black sometimes and im not emo
nah, if you put it on correctly it's actually quite chic!

Thats my favorite color on nails =P

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