Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Black nail polish on the wall. How do I remove it without removing the wall paint?

Use an acetone nail polisher remover. Then gently go over with a clean cloth with baking soda and water or dish liquid.

More tips can be found below:

http://home.howstuffworks.com/how-to-rem鈥?/a>Black nail polish on the wall. How do I remove it without removing the wall paint?
I would think using nail polish remover wouldn't harm the paint much, if you're careful. Don't use too much and don't scrub. Wipe gently.

If you've already tried remover and it did come off, use a wet (with water) sponge and let it set for a couple minutes. (Hold in place if need be.) I got white out off a leather coat using only a wet sponge.

.Black nail polish on the wall. How do I remove it without removing the wall paint?
I'd first try applying more polish over the old.As the wet will soften the old and wipe off.may need a couple applications to completely remove.Good Luck D.
Take a damp cloth or bounty and rub gently.

(Wait till nail polish dries because it will smudge.)
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